Check-In: My Six-Month Transplantiversary

Hi everyone!

Sunset in BermudaIt has been six-months since my kidney transplant. So far, so good! My doctors’ visits have been good, and my lab work has been normal. Hopefully, there will be no changes in my medication levels for a while.

It’s been three months since I posted a personal note. What’s going on with me since then?

1. I have been cleared to start some core abdominal exercises. Hooray! I started Yoga this week. Well, I learned that I have a long way to go to get back into shape! LOL

2. I am still posting to my blog. Please check it out!

3. I have been trying to help my parents  get situated from a few states Thomas and I in Bermuda in June 2018.away.  My mother can’t stay in the house anymore and my dad can’t really help her.  They have an aide during the day — but this week, her doctors upped that to 24 hour care. I think they are going to move into a senior care facility in my hometown. I tried to move to nearer to me, but my mother is being stubborn. Oh well, what can you do? When they get ready to move, I will have to travel back to Alabama to help clear out the house.

4. I am finishing up my first novel. An editor friend of mine is editing it. Again, so far, so good.

5. I am still publicizing stories from people looking for donors or people who donated. Just email me through the site.

My donor is doing well, and we text each other at least once a week.

Send in your stories about people who need a kidney and please share the posts with your friends– remember more eyes, more exposure!

Have a wonderful day!

Be inspired—Give Life!


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