There are over 120,000 people in the United States currently waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant.
Each organ donor can save up to eight lives, plus they can help any number of other people through tissue donation. Previously, people could register to donate through the DMV on their driver’s license or register through a state registry which could be done online. While millions of people have already signed up, Apple and Donate Life America have teamed up to make signing up for organ donation even easier.
Now, iPhone users can sign up as organ donors directly from their phones – using the Health app with the release of iOS 10. The sign up process is simple and all sign ups submitted through the iPhone are sent directly to the National Donate Life Registry which is operated by Donate Life America. One benefit of this is that the decision to donate can be carried with the potential donor – on their phone – wherever they go. iOS 10 will be available for all users this fall as a free software update.
As we are currently looking for a living kidney donor, this is welcome news. We appreciate any efforts to increase the number of donors. For those of you that have an iPhone, check it out!
While it is a big decision to donate a kidney, living donors can save lives. If you think it might be something that you are interested in, you can best help us by calling us at 770-310-2426 for info to do a 15-minute phone screening on being a living donor. You can also call the St. Luke’s Transplant Department directly to do the screening at 832-355-4100. Just tell them your planned recipient is Dominique (Nikki) Brooks. They will ask for my birth year, which is 1967.
Be Inspired — Give Life!
Dominique (Nikki) Brooks