I have posted before about dialysis and the challenges associated with it. I typically use peritoneal dialysis which, while time-consuming, can allow you to have something close to normalcy during the day.
But I had to temporarily start hemodialysis. This requires 3 daytime sessions a week of 4 hours at a time hooked up to a blood-cleaning machine. It doesn’t hurt but it is hard to describe what it feels like to be hooked to the machine. While you recognize that it is saving your life, your brain pretty much shuts off for the 4 hours. I thought I was going to work on my novel during that time – but – I haven’t been able to make that happen. You can tell when you look around the dialysis center – most patients are either sleeping or watching TV. And, when I leave the dialysis center, I am exhausted.
It’s very tough.
But unlike many of the patients on dialysis, my time on hemodialysis is temporary. After a couple of weeks, I hope to be back on peritoneal dialysis. I appreciate the kind words and help from my readers. I hope the peritoneal dialysis is temporary too – a kidney donor could make that happen (hint, hint – part of my 2017 plan!)
While it is a big decision to donate a kidney, living donors can save lives. If you think it might be something that you are interested in, you can best help us by calling us at 770-310-2426 for info to do a 15-minute phone screening on being a living donor. You can also call the St. Luke’s Transplant Department directly to do the screening at 832-355-4100. Just tell them your planned recipient is Dominique (Nikki) Brooks. They will ask for my birth year, which is 1967.
Be Inspired — Give Life!
Dominique (Nikki) Brooks